Ground Mounted Programme
Generate Your Own Electricity
The State of Himachal Pradesh, being in the lap of Himalayas, is blessed with good sunshine over most parts and the number of clear sunny days in a year is also high. The average temperature conditions are also very suitable for the Solar Photovoltaic technologies. Apart from various Solar devices & Grid connected Rooftop Solar Plants, we are also promoting Ground Mounted Solar Power Projects to generate more Power from renewable energy.
About Ground Mounted Solar Power Projects up to 5.00 M.W capacity
These Solar Projects can be easily installed on the ground by any potential investor/individual on their own land/leased land. The beneficiaries just need to sign a Power Purchase Agreement with H.P.S.E.B.L, which gives the consent to set up the Project. The approval to establish the Project is given by HIMURJA being the Nodal Agency for allotment of Solar Power projects up to 5.00 M.W.