Solar Photovoltaic Programme

Absorb Sunlight for Optimum Output

Embracing a Modern Photovoltaic Technology and the geographical conditions of the State, the Solar Photovoltaic Programme is more suitable and efficient in generating power. Our Programme features both Off-Grid PV and Grid connected schemes. The number of installations across Himachal Pradesh has progressively increased in the past few years. Being equally distributed in the State, Solar Energy offers a wide scope of exploration. Himurja has been implementing the Renewable Energy Programme in the State with the help of Central financial assistance.

Solar Power is one of the best alternatives for electrification of the remote areas, along with providing uninterrupted Power through decentralized Solar Photovoltaic Applications. Himurja aims to provide cleaner energy for all the households and replace traditional dependence on wood-based heating systems. Himurja has launched a Statewide campaign to aware people on this Programme.

Harness water & sun for your energy needs